General Epistle: Addressed to The Chinese Government

Andre O. Kersey
3 min readOct 6, 2023


It is in Honor that I greet you on this side of the Rising Sun.

And while it is the Great Ocean that separates our great nations, with yours being both ancient and great, I believe that there be no great distances within the coordinates of Spirit & Truth. And it is with such a conviction that I address such a noble government, and it’s noble ministers, as a humble minister of The Gospel of Truth.

Within your bounds of sacred authority, are men, women, and children of which every government ,if it heeds the dictates of Heaven, that should be considered sacred to those who hold positions of authority , if it indeed derives it authority from that Great Throne in the Heavens. And while all life is sacred to Him that administers in the Heavenlies, it is a peculiar type of citizen that I wish to speak of. For this type of citizen shares a duality of citizenship ( which is no particular oddity in general) yet this dual citizenship runs vertical and not horizontal.

What I mean is this -

I am, in this body, a citizen of these United States of America, yet my spirit-man possesses a citizenship and country that is not of this world (though that world will soon come to this one).

Furthermore, I have many brothers and sisters , who also possess this peculiar duality of citizenship (vertically speaking) in my nation, in your nation, and all over the world, (horizontally speaking) that is.

Now the East & West have long standing, and often times conflicting notions of that most comburent word we call Freedom, therefore in this particular letter I will not address it, yet I will bring up an array calligraphics that are universal in the courts of heaven; The first being-

BLOOD: How alarming it is that so many of my brothers and sisters (vertically + horizontally) who meet in building called “Churches”, have fled underground because of injustice, violence, persecution and murder. It seems to me that surely, you mighty ministers of government and commerce, that their blood is on your hands…

SMOKE: For the prayers of so many of my brothers and sisters (Vertically + horizontally) who have suffered such under your watch, whether openly subtly, have if you will gone up as a sweet incense before the Throne of Him whose government has no end.

WATER: Howbeit , even great nations need a cleansing ( I shall talk of my own in another epistle), for your country is in need of a REVOGENESIS, from the top downward, that springs from the well of that Great Emperor, whose well never runs dry.

SUN: For the Son is indeed rising across your great expanse of land where it has been poetically penned about your great warrior :

“ Sublimely

Stirred by the magnificient zenith of the marvelous

Sunrise […]

Sun Yat-Sen was the providential Chung Kuo

Morning Star

a chosen heavenly Son”

-McArthur Gunter

For you know, most noble minister’s, that your Sun Yat-Sen shared this same peculiar dual citizenship with myself, and indeed you know that the God we share is no stranger to your crimson land. Did not another of your great warriors poetically proclaim:

Holding the Universe in the hand,

I slay the attacking powers.

Eyes can see through beyond the west, the north, the rivers, and the mountains,

Sounds can shake the east, the south, the Sun, and the Moon.

The glorious sword of authority was given by Lord,

Poems and books are evidences that praise Yahweh in front of Him.

Taiping [perfect Peace] unifies the World of Light,

The domineering air will be joyous for myriads of thousand years.

-Hong Xiuquan

As you can see, the governments ability to procure peace and happiness within its borders has always been the inclination of the body politic.

I pray that your government , under the Will of Heaven, will have similar inclinations.

In Honor,

Minister of Truth

